10 GitHub repositories that will take your Javascript knowledge next level

10 GitHub repositories that will take your Javascript knowledge next level


2 min read

Programming is a continuous learning process where you can learn many things daily. Here are 10 GitHub repositories that will help you to boost your javascript knowledge.

1. Clean-code-javascript

Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript. It is not a style guide. It's a guide to producing:

  • Readable
  • Reusable
  • Refactorable software in JavaScript

2. Javascript-Questions

A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions and their explanations. From basic to advanced, it tests your JavaScript knowledge, refreshes your knowledge a bit, or prepares you for your coding interview.

3. JavaScript Data structures and Algorithms

Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations. This Repository contains JavaScript-based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures.

Each algorithm and data structure has its separate file with related explanations and links.

4. Computer Science in JavaScript

Collection of classic computer science paradigms, algorithms, and approaches written in JavaScript.

5. JavaScript: Test-Driven Learning

This project is aimed to help the user further study JavaScript with a test-driven approach.

6. You Don't Know JS

This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.

7. 33 JavaScript concepts

This Repository contains 33 JavaScript concepts which every developer should need to know.

8. 30 days of JavaScript

30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learning JavaScript programming language in 30 days.

9. Awesome-Javascript

A collection of excellent browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources, and shiny things.

10. Awesome-JavaScript-Projects

This Repository contains some awesome vanilla JavaScript projects.

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