This is why you need to use Helmet.js in your Backend

This is why you need to use Helmet.js in your Backend

What is Helmet?

Helmet.js is an open-source JavaScript library that helps us secure our Node.js application by setting several HTTP headers. The default headers can expose important information about the application, It acts as a middleware for Express and similar technologies, automatically adding or removing HTTP headers to comply with web security standards.

Why Helmet?

Without Helmet, default headers returned by Express expose sensitive information and make your Node.js app vulnerable to malicious attacks. That's why it's important to use Helmet in the Node.js application to protect the app from XSS attacks, Content Security Policy vulnerabilities, and other security issues.

How it works?

Helmet secures the application by adding some headers by replacing the default headers. By default, it adds 15 headers to our application to protect from common attacks like XSS.


Before Adding Helmet

  { "key": "X-Powered-By", "value": "Express" },
  { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json; charset=utf-8" },
  { "key": "Content-Length", "value": "46" },
  { "key": "ETag", "value": "W/'2e-M9s8cwGgdSe49bWbKKQNYvAhCAM'" },
  { "key": "Date", "value": "Wed, 22 Nov 2023 04:50:54 GMT" },

After Adding Helmet

    "key": "Content-Security-Policy",
    "value": "default-src 'self';base-uri 'self';font-src 'self' https: data:;form-action 'self';frame-ancestors 'self';img-src 'self' data:;object-src 'none';script-src 'self';script-src-attr 'none';style-src 'self' https: 'unsafe-inline';upgrade-insecure-requests"
  { "key": "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy", "value": "same-origin" },
  { "key": "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy", "value": "same-origin" },
  { "key": "Origin-Agent-Cluster", "value": "?1" },
  { "key": "Referrer-Policy", "value": "no-referrer" },
    "key": "Strict-Transport-Security",
    "value": "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains"
  { "key": "X-Content-Type-Options", "value": "nosniff" },
  { "key": "X-DNS-Prefetch-Control", "value": "off" },
  { "key": "X-Download-Options", "value": "noopen" },
  { "key": "X-Frame-Options", "value": "SAMEORIGIN" },
  { "key": "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies", "value": "none" },
  { "key": "X-XSS-Protection", "value": "0" },
  { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json; charset=utf-8" },
  { "key": "Content-Length", "value": "46" },
  { "key": "ETag", "value": "W/\"2e-M9s8cwGgdSe49bWbKKQNYvAhCAM\"" },
  { "key": "Date", "value": "Wed, 22 Nov 2023 04:56:49 GMT" },
  { "key": "Connection", "value": "keep-alive" }

Code Example?

Open your root file and add the following code:

// Root file - server.js
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const helmet = require("helmet");

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

That's it, it's just two lines of code if you don't customize the headers.

You can customize the headers according to your needs, check out the helmet.js repository to know more about customization.
